2023 Predictions!

Having had an extremely difficult year in 2022, I’m saying hallelujah and welcome to ‘23. I feel renewed hope that this new year will carry us all into brighter times on the wings of Spirit.

7 Harsh Years

2022 was one of those years when many, myself included, might agree with that famous saying by Friedrich Nietzsche, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” In fact, some might even say those words are true, about the last 7 years. The political scene from 2016 onward (kicked off by the surprising Presidential election of Donald Trump) has been chaotic and deeply disturbing, and the pandemic globally and exponentially shifted reality by 2020.

My personal reality was wrenched by my father’s death of congestive heart failure in March, 2020, just as the pandemic sent us all into lockdown and more shock. 2021 left many struggling with anxiety and stress from the pandemic, the economy, and politics. 2022 continued to spare no pain to my family and so many others.  As the January 6 insurrection and the war in Ukraine exploded into the media, the number of mass shootings and crime shot up.  Inflation started to reel out of control, and we continue to witness endless human brutality, as well as massive wake-up calls from Mother Nature, due to global warming. 

For me, 2022 also brought the sudden, tragic death by car accident of a close friend’s husband, two week-long hospitalizations of my mother as her Alzheimer’s progressed, and the terrifying, 18-hour disappearance of my brother-in-law, also suffering from Alzheimer’s.  Thank goodness he was found unharmed. 

Brought to My Knees

The journey of death, grieving, and Alzheimer’s, that I’ve taken with these precious family members and friends, has brought me to my knees for most of 2022. 

November and December topped off the relentless year with my attendance at a covid “super-spreader” Thanksgiving dinner (though I personally did not catch covid), at the same time as needing to make the incredibly sad and difficult decision to place my 92 year old mom in memory care. Then my sister and I had to quickly pack up and empty mom’s beloved home with cherished furnishings, photos and memorabilia… on a one-month deadline…which we miraculously accomplished by December 27.  Grace carried us every step of the way.

So if you missed hearing from me, I apologize.  I’m still here, still doing my healing work with clients. Being of service actually is a gift that strengthens and immensely nourishes my life. What I couldn’t muster much of this year was my writing.  My blog sort of fell by the wayside. The book I’m slowly writing also fell by the wayside. Some of the circles I wanted to lead never happened - but I promise they are forthcoming.

Spiritual Initiation

Thankfully, what did anchor me was my faith. I never doubted that Spirit was with me, my family and friends. In addition to so much Divine Grace, I couldn’t have gone through all this without the wonderful friends and family members who supported me when I needed them. I am so grateful for them. It made me remember how much we all need each other. It’s crucial to get active support when you need it, including seeking support from healers and therapists.

With so many difficulties in 2022. I believe that 2022 was a spiritual initiation for many of us, including myself. We are being initiated on the ever-evolving path of spiritual warriors — at a time in history when spiritual warriors are crucial to survival of life and this planet.

Initiations lead to new beginnings, but can shake us to the core, so that we shed what no longer serves us and the collective.  Initiations can test determination, inner strength, and spiritual connection. Initiations show us our vulnerabilities and weaknesses, as well as our resilience. Initiations always challenge us to grow. They can be extremely uncomfortable to go through, and can leave us feeling lost at times, and unhinged during the process. But we find our way to a new, clearer, and stronger state.


I predict that 2023 will prove to be shining with resilience. I believe that we have come to a place in the collective consciousness where Light has only a slight edge over ignorance, and we must remain vigilant and persevere. We must stay the course. We can’t afford to go back to sleep.

I predict that 2023 will see a growth in unity consciousness.  I predict that the babies being born now, as well as many of the children growing up now, already know truth in a way that most of us humans, struggling with illusions, never have known. They are the future.

I predict 2023 will reinforce in the collective consciousness, an awareness of the power of energy, nature, music, and the arts to heal.  I predict that greed will continue, hatred will continue, self-absorption and ignorance will continue — but that the power of the heart to love will resurrect spiritual and moral strength so that life and love will continue to flourish.  

I predict that many will experience renewal this year; that this spring and summer will bear the fruit of so many mass initiations. We still have this winter to cleanse and perhaps hibernate, and to look within, in order to know and love ourselves as deeply and unconditionally as we possibly can. The Light in me honors the Light in you.  The truth of my soul’s resilience honors the resilience of your soul to lead you into greater healing and joy. May 2023 bring you all that your resilient heart desires.

With Love, Light and Hope,



To learn more, please book your complimentary discovery session, a Shamanic Soul Retrieval & Extraction, Spiritual Empowerment Coaching, Shamanic Energy Clearing and Cord Releasing session, or an Akashic Record Reading.

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Dealing With Inner Resistance


Being Love