“The House Whisperer” is what a client recently called me. She was feeling grateful that I’d helped her home to sell by assisting a “Ghost” to the Light. I got a big chuckle from the term she used, and it prompted me to write a bit about a service I do that is not talked much about….but is often very needed.
In the shamanic vernacular, it’s known as psychopomp – which refers to escorting the souls of deceased beings to the Light.
In this particular client’s case, I’ve known her from back in the day when I sold real estate while doing my healing work part-time. She and her husband were buyers who I had represented.
It took us only one or two house-hunting trips before we found the perfect home for them. I credit that to the spiritual forces working behind the scenes! They are still very happily living in that home, but have now inherited another house that’s been very difficult to close on. It sold (on paper) very quickly, but for puzzling reasons, it had been unable to close for the last four or five months. My client wondered if the deceased owner’s spirit was somehow blocking the closing from becoming scheduled.
Experiencing difficulties with the spirits of previous inhabitants is more common than you’d think.
I’ve been doing psychopomp work for well over twenty years. Most of the time, I do it to help resolve issues and integrate losses in relationships that people have with deceased parents, relatives, friends, partners, and pets. When bonds are strong and emotions unresolved, whether the issue concerns a person, animal, or a home, a part of the deceased may stay “stuck” on the earth plane. This hinders the deceased from fully evolving, and can also show up as “stuckness” in health, wealth or happiness in those who are alive — and even manifest as “stuckness” in house sales.
Literally five minutes after my client left my office after doing the “House Whispering”, she phoned me. I thought she had forgotten something at my office; but it wasn’t that. She had called to tell me she had just gotten a call from her attorney that the house closing was finally scheduled. Success!
If you’d like to learn more about how freeing the spirits of deceased loved ones (or previous home or apartment dwellers) might make a difference in your own life and well being, please reach out.
I’ll leave you with this thought: Spirit is eternal energy.
It exists in many dimensions, beyond our understanding of time and place. The bonds of relationships with the deceased impact our lives in huge ways. Respect that phenomenon, work with it, and you will find much opportunity to shift some of the “stuckness” you might be struggling with in your life. The “veils” between dimensions are very thin at this time of year – This magical Halloween energy is a great opportunity to connect with Spirit!
Many blessings,