In the Shamanic perspective, the one unifying energy in all living beings and the universe is called Spirit. You can also think of Spirit as your Life Force, your Soul, the Universe, Consciousness, your Essence, Nature, God, Divine Intelligence or a Higher Power.
There are many names for Spirit, but sadly, many of our challenges as human beings are related to being cut off from it.
From Lack and “Stuckness” to Living in Your Spiritual Power
Disconnection from Spirit comes from old hurts, traumas, life experiences, and coping mechanisms that cause our conscious awareness of painful circumstances to disengage. This maladaptive disconnection may have come as a survival mechanism to avoid experiencing traumatizing emotions, but it leaves us feeling numb, confused, broken or stuck. It keeps us wondering why the same issues or types of circumstances keep appearing over and over again.
Whether it shows up as challenging relationships, unwanted behaviors, health issues, an inability to stay balanced, or a disconnection from your life purpose, there’s often a deep sense of lack and powerlessness—and it’s a heavy burden to carry!
As a shamanic healer, I create a powerful portal of healing from the spirit world by being the go-between of ordinary, earthly reality and non-ordinary, multi-dimensional reality.
I journey to different realms and bring back disconnected soul parts and guidance for your individual situation. My spirit guides work with your Higher Self to return soul parts and move energy that is stuck or has been misplaced. This deep, energetic shift can bring greater balance to the physical body and a renewed sense of spiritual wholeness. My clients often feel like they’re looking at life through new lenses and feel spiritually more empowered. And from this place of higher seeing and a more grounded ability to stand in one’s power, it’s much easier to move forward to transform life challenges.

Are you ready to liberate your energy and move forward with your spiritual power in tact?
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Soul Retrieval and Extraction
Energy Clearing & Cord Releasing
Transformational Shamanic Healing Package
What to Expect
Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Extraction
A Sacred, Healing Journey
During the practice of Soul Retrieval and Extraction, I journey (a form of meditation) to retrieve soul parts that have “dissociated” from your being. We energetically reconnect them, and, in doing so, work toward restoring your innate state of wholeness. Any misplaced energy, known as intrusions, will also be extracted. These intrusions cause energy blockages within your energy field.. Intrusions can come from one’s own repressed, unprocessed emotions, or sometimes, these energy intrusions are acquired from other people. For example, if someone yells at us, we can take on the energy that was directed at us. Intrusions can cause dis-ease, chronic pain, emotional disturbances, and disease.
This ancient Shamanic practice is based on the belief that when a person or animal experiences trauma, he or she loses a part of their soul.
In order to survive the experience, the soul part dissociates, becoming “stuck” in what is called non-ordinary reality. We all have energy and soul parts that are stuck. Soul Retrieval and Extraction calls on a higher vibration to help clear the blockages that are preventing you from moving forward in life.
Soul Retrieval and Extraction is a comprehensive healing experience and my specialty. It may include Shamanic Energy Clearing & Cord Releasing, if needed.
Shamanic Energy Clearing & Cord Releasing
Shamanic Energy Clearing & Cord Releasing
Energetic Healing for Unhealthy or Challenging Relationships
Energy Clearing & Cord Releasing is another ancient Shamanic practice performed in a healing journey. It’s particularly useful for healing and transforming relationships with a parent, child, or significant others. Similarly, if you have relationships that are not serving you, or if you find yourself ruminating about someone from the past, this type of healing can free you from these unhealthy attachments.
Consider Energy Clearing to be a form of “house cleaning” and rebalancing of the body systems and energy flow.
It’s common for the aura and chakras to become blocked with stuck energy from our own repressed emotions, energy that hasn’t been processed fully, or other people’s energy. These blockages can lead to mental or emotional suffering, numbness, unwanted behaviors, addictions, disease, or chronic pain.
What are cords?
Cords are natural, energetic attachments that we form with other people. A heart to heart connection (or cord) is healthy and allows autonomy, clear communication, authentic self-expression, and unconditional love. Unhealthy cords are much more common, remain mostly unconscious, and cause suffering.
Guided by my Spirit Guides and your Higher Self, Shamanic Energy Clearing & Cord Releasing is a gentle, yet powerful way to experience a shift in your relationships and a better flow of energy in your own energy field. We all are part of a natural flow of peace, love and abundance. Let’s restore the integrity of your own energy field, the Essence of who you are, so you can deeply and freely experience more fulfilling and healthy relationships.
Shamanic Energy Clearing and Cord Releasing may occur during a Soul Retrieval and Extraction session, but can also be performed on its own.
Here are some ways to start identifying unhealthy cords:
Is there a parent who you hold a lot of resentment towards?
Do you find yourself obsessing about someone from the past who you can’t let go of?
Do you have someone in your life who you wish to change, control their behavior, or just can’t accept as they are?
Are you dependent on somebody else for your sense of worth, safety, or wellbeing—or is somebody dependent on you?
Transformational Shamanic Healing Package
Transformational Shamanic Healing Package
Accelerate Your Growth, Actualize Remarkable Change
Some clients schedule shamanic healing sessions one-by-one as they feel ready—and others want to keep the momentum going. If you’re ready to deeply integrate and multiply the effects of your session and accelerate your growth, this package is for you.
The Transformational Shamanic Healing Package makes it easier to actualize real change. It offers support as you integrate a new way of being and helps you avoid falling back into old patterning and habits.
What you get in the 6-hour Shamanic Healing Package:
Everyone gets one 2-hour Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Extraction session to start.
Plus, 2 - 4 additional healing sessions (4 more hours total) — and you get to break up the hours however best suits you. Schedule these sessions within 4 months.
The additional 4 hours of healing sessions may include: 2 more soul retrievals or a combination of coaching, energy clearings, readings, private journeying or meditation instruction.
Savings of $90!
“A gifted shaman of the highest integrity”
“The care, shifting, and information that I have received from my work with Paula have been a powerful part of my spiritual path. These experiences have not only offered insights to where I was at the time, but also reprogrammed outdated energies and illusions, allowing me to move more quickly towards creating the life I dream of. She is a gifted Shaman of the highest integrity.”
– M.A.S., Chicago, IL
“So important to me”
“I can’t think of any other period of my life when there has been greater transformation. Over the past year, my heart has opened like I never believed it could. The work we’ve done together has been so important to me. Thank you for your wisdom… for helping me to be true to myself. The journey has been much richer because of you.”
– J. N., Chicago, IL
“A profound effect on my entire family”
“Paula’s work has had a profound effect on my entire family, including all of our pets. I cannot imagine what our life would be like today if we had not been able to access her healing talents the last ten years. She is able to do a deep level healing that transcends western traditional medicine and therapy. She clears blockages on such an intense level that the energy starts shifting immediately. She has helped all of us live a fuller and happier life as we peel the onion layers of our soul back a layer at a time, helping us to clear the energies that need to be moved. She is a powerful shaman and an angel in physical form.”
– D.E., Chicago, IL
“Increased capacity for compassion for family and friends”
“Thanks again for the Soul Retrieval process. Since then, I have noticed an increased capacity for compassion for family and friends, and more passionate dedication to my craft: music creation. The process with you has also inspired a new song…”
– PX, Chicago area
Read More Testimonials
What to Expect
What to Expect from Your Session
At The Beginning
We’ll discuss what’s present for you. I may ask questions to help you connect the dots between your life challenges and the issues for which you are seeking healing. Once we’re done discussing your needs, you’ll find a comfortable place to lay and relax, while I take the shamanic journey.
After the Journey
I’ll share with you the visions, healing, and guidance that came through—and the energy clearing that took place. This may include, if pertinent to you:
Soul parts from this life, between lives, and past lives that were restored.
Energy blockages or entities that were cleared.
Details about energy cords that were released.
Entities in your home that were cleared.
A Power Animal or Spirit Guide that wants to help you.
Psychopomp work with deceased loved ones (escorting their souls to the Light).
Spiritual guidance may be included in our discussion of your journey.
I also offer additional coaching to support you in integrating the healing into your everyday life. Please ask about Soul Retrieval Integration Coaching Sessions.
Benefits You May Receive:
Recovery from traumatic experiences
Reconnection to one’s true self
Restoration of sense of purpose
Opening of heart energies
Balancing of chakras
Ability to release the past
Assist willingness to forgive
Release from feeling “stuck”
Supporting the body to heal itself
Greater capacity for joy and love
Mental and emotional clarity
Strengthening of healthy boundaries
Awakening connection to all living things and the Divine
Expanding consciousness
Connection to spiritual guidance
Comfort, courage, and faith

Healing always starts on the spiritual level first. Then we can show up in the external world with more energy, better health, and increased self-awareness—able to learn, explore, grow and evolve.
When you make a commitment to your transformation, the Universe responds powerfully. You are more supported than you may know!