
Unwanted behaviors express differently, from person to person. What they have in common, though, is an attempt to escape from uncomfortable feelings.

Food, alcohol, shopping, TV, social media, exercising, sex…we have a number of culturally-endorsed options to distract ourselves from feeling what we’re feeling in the present moment.

When you raise your awareness through meditation and energy healing, you begin to recognize your behaviors for what they are. Then you can inquire about what’s beneath them and break free.


Why We Avoid Our Feelings

Many of us were conditioned by our parents, schooling, and culture to believe that feelings are wrong, inconvenient, and show weakness. We were told that uncomfortable feelings were bad, so we began suppressing them.

In an ideal world, we would have been taught how to feel our feelings and encouraged to process our pain in a healthy way. Instead, too many of us avoid pain at all costs, dissociate from our feelings, and are left with compulsive behaviors that keep us feeling stuck.

For a while, my very addictive, compulsive behavior was cigarette smoking.  When I gave it up, many years ago, I had a bout of compulsive eating, which I had to get to the root of, in order to heal.

Addictive behaviors come from neural pathways that formed in the brain and central nervous system as a way to handle stress, worry and fears.

The good news is…

The compulsion is only a symptom of the problem. At the problem’s root is the conditioned thoughts, beliefs and trauma that have cut you off from feeling your feelings and fully embracing this human experience. This we can address!

Shamanic healing seeks to heal trauma and unravel conditioning. The process restores your innate spiritual essence and will often shift the way you relate to your unwanted behaviors, or eliminate their manifestations all together. Unlike other healing modalities that are purely psychological or emotional, shamanic healing is a unique modality providing a path to energetically bring you back into wholeness.


Here’s how we help you shift:

  • Identify conditioned beliefs and perspectives that have invalidated your feelings.

  • Integrate old hurt, trauma, and life experiences that hold you back.

  • Raise your awareness and empower you with freedom and choice.

  • Cultivate self-acceptance by learning to honor all parts of you and to feel your feelings.

  • Awaken to the intelligence of the heart, and allow your mind to serve your heart.


Unwanted behaviors are not a reflection of your self-worth! Our culture hasn’t taught us to feel our feelings and to stand in our power, but that doesn’t mean you have to continue suffering. I am committed to guiding you back to the most authentic, empowered expression of you.

Let’s Get Started.

 True healing can’t be forced. It’s an alchemical process that requires the help of spirit, divine intervention.

I am committed to guiding you in the natural unfoldment back to your authentic self, so you can experience truly a well-rounded life where you feel alive and empowered.

