25th Anniversary, and My Own “Me Too” Reflections
Over 32 years ago, I was a young realtor looking for a meaningful way to express my deep desire to raise the consciousness of humanity. Every part of me passionately felt that as a world culture, we were in the midst of a vast, spiritual drought. We were hugely disconnected from nature, each other, and what was sacred.
There was no part of me, however, that consciously knew how to specifically contribute to changing the world.
In fact, I felt lost and overwhelmed by the enormity of the world’s circumstances and was struggling to fit in to the material world.
My real estate work did not feel fulfilling, and my biological clock was ticking at that time. In my mid-thirties, I got married and had a baby. In becoming a mother, I felt tremendous joy and purpose, but there was still something within, urging me to contribute to raising the consciousness of humanity.
I didn’t know what to do with that desire, but Spirit clearly did.
A series of very painful circumstances resulted in the dissolution of my marriage. I became a single mother with a very young child. I could no longer keep a realtor’s chaotic, on-call 24/7, schedule with a small child who needed my consistent availability. I didn’t know what to do and prayed hard for answers about how to make money in a fulfilling and mutually beneficial way for my daughter, myself, and humanity.
One day, the answer came very unexpectedly when I ran into a friend who was starting a massage therapy business. I had dabbled a bit in learning to give massage (had taken a few classes just for fun), and my friend suggested I take formal training to learn to be a massage therapist. I contemplated that and decided it was a good idea because I’d have control of my schedule in a way that could support my daughter’s needs. Besides, I had no idea of what else to do!
From that point on, my career unfolded, naturally, in line with my passion to help others grow in happiness and consciousness.
I studied Thai massage and became a massage therapist. I loved it! It opened me to a whole new world as a healer. 25 years ago, I officially named my private practice, “From The Heart Center.”
I also learned many other forms of energy work, including shamanic healing. Heeding a strong inner pull, I studied with various shamans and was able to share the powerful ancient art of shamanic healing with my clients.
Years later, another significant shift took place.
After discovering the Oneness Blessing (also called Oneness Deeksha), and traveling to India to study with the founders of it, the opportunity to write a book about the Oneness Blessing fell in my lap. A publisher wanted a book about it; I said “yes” to another long-held dream, to write. I am so incredibly grateful to Spirit and to the publisher for that opportunity to contribute, and for overcoming my fears in order to do it!
In retrospect, I see how my Divine guided me through every step to the work I love and the contribution to raising humanity’s consciousness that I longed to make. I was also naturally led to become a certified holistic health coach, and embraced the joy of helping people sync their their lifestyle and health goals with their spiritual values.
The spiritual path is filled with so much synchronicity and unexpected blessings.
Not much in my life has been pre-planned. Sometimes guidance has come as a closed door that forced me to seek out another door to open. I’ve had my share of slammed doors and scary moments, but walking through those open doors have only required taking one baby step after another — in order to arrive at a purpose I never could have planned.
It all starts with a very passionate intention and, clearly, Divine grace. If you reflect on your own life, I’m sure you’ll recall the many synchronicities and miracles that have led you to be who you are now. There is so much for each of us to be grateful for!
To be sure, like so many of you, I’ve had many significant challenges along the way.
I’ll continue to write about these in future blogs, in hopes that my experiences shed light on your own. But given the current timeliness, I want to briefly mention my own experiences with sexual violations.
I’ve had three “Me Too” moments in earlier years of my career, in which I experienced inappropriate sexual behavior from men, and confronted the perpetrators. In two out of these three cases, when I reported my experiences to some people in pertinent “authority” roles, to my surprise, in each case, over 25 other women came forward and corroborated similar experiences with these men. I won’t go into details here, but the perpetrators involved suffered big repercussions for their actions.
There is great benefit to calling out the truth. I hope that inspires you to share your own voice with the world.
I know these traumatic “Me Too” experiences have made me stronger, more courageous about voicing my truth, and have also enabled me to better assist others in doing the deep work of healing trauma.
I am particularly passionate about working with survivors of sexual trauma. I would say that the vast majority of my female clients have had sexual trauma, as well as many men, of course. Additionally, in working with past lives as well as current lives, it’s clear that we all have numerous kinds of trauma locked in our DNA and energy fields.
Trauma can be subtle or very obvious; either way, the affect on our lives can be hugely influential.
The shamanic soul retrieval and extraction work I do addresses all kinds of trauma, in order to restore our authentic, empowered wholeness. It helps us to achieve greater clarity, contribution, and love.
I know that there is a beautiful, eternal place of peace, hope, creativity, and love within each of us, that none of these traumatic, earth-bound experiences can destroy. It’s a connection to that sacred place within, an innate, intimate connection, that will bring heaven to earth someday. All the work I do with clients strengthens that connection. It’s in that connection to our Higher Self that guidance, healing, and miracles occur. It’s very important that we all find this place of safety, joy, wholeness, authenticity and inner peace…and go there daily as much as possible. Ideally, we all will come to live there. There, in conscious awareness of our authentic Self, is the profound power of being present to the “what is” of life. That awareness brings us true inner freedom, greater connection, spiritual growth, and blesses all.
The darkness of the separation of humanity from Source has radically manifested in the external world now.
The spiritual blight of lower vibrational consciousness persists, but it’s present right along side with the growing global tide of profound awakening. We can’t help but perceive the gravity of physical reality now, even if we wish it weren’t so, and it’s time to accept and confront the darkness in order to open ourselves to greater Light. We are each being called in individual ways to evolve. As always, it’s an inside job first. Each person’s consciousness, actions, and way of being in the world matters and affects thousands of others, now and in future generations.
As bleak as today’s self-destructive situations seem, there is a tidal wave of being “woke” in the mainstream.
We are breaking through deeply entrenched unconsciousness. It takes courage and perseverance. We can’t go back to sleep, though some are clearly trying like heck to maintain the status quo, or even worse.
Being awake to the greater role we play in the transformation of the world requires inner work first, along with grace. We must recognize our hurts and wounds, and take steps to heal them. We must take action where our inner voice guides us, and we must call in help from whatever higher Source is sacred and meaningful to each of us.
I’ve been offering my services, from my heart to yours, for over 25 years…
to support you in your quest for healing trauma, taking action, and connecting with whatever Sacred Source you’re called to.
A shaman is an intercessor between humans and Spirit; The work I do is always to connect you with what is uniquely sacred to you and support you in moving forward to wherever you’re being called. There is no better time to grow in consciousness and joy. If you’d like to have a complimentary conversation with me to discuss how my services might help you, please request your free session here.
Thank you for being open, for being pulled into awakening awareness, and for spreading the word that that help is available to transform your own life first…and then the world!