How to Stay Energetically Clear of Negativity

Have you, perhaps, been feeling out of sorts, out of balance, anxious, irritable, foggy, or depressed by the challenges of life these days?

Many of us are facing big challenges with health, relationships, healing the past, and/or finances. Because we are all one, we are all experiencing everything, on some level. We’re also collectively grieving the many tragedies of others, which we are very aware of through the media.

It may seem as if the dark side of life is much more visible than it’s ever been before. It seems everywhere, affecting every aspect of life, including health, relationships, nature, and sense of safety. Perhaps the darkness has always been here, to this degree, but because our awareness is increasing with deeper levels of collective awakening, we can’t go back to sleep now.

There are points in the awakening process that can seem like long, dark tunnels (I’ve been there often)…but there is also, both at the end of the proverbial tunnel, and always right in front of us, an awareness of that beautiful Light shining brighter than ever. It’s the Light that we want to focus on now!

Where are you at this moment in time?

Are you living in Light, struggling with darkness, or somewhere in the middle, and pretty up and down? Well, dear one, you have a choice.

The choice is a moment to moment thing, and it might take a renewed commitment on your part to stay high vibrational. Given the chance, our chattering, defensive, and judgmental minds will high-jack the best of spiritual intentions, so let this serve as a reminder: Take a stand to shine your Light and keep seeking more Light!

My clients have been asking me lately, “what can I do to stay energetically clear of all this negativity? What protection is there from intrusive energies and entities?” 

Those are very important questions to take seriously now.

Negativity (denser vibrational energy) is bombarding us fairly constantly. We’re exposed to lower-vibrational conditions because of pollution, food toxins, household toxins, news media coverage, political savagery, traffic congestion, hostile family members or co-workers, and, most especiallyour own internalized negative messages from childhood or ancestral DNA inheritances!

Based on my 25 years of shamanic experience, I’d have to say that we’re also affected by other-dimensional entities and earth-bound energy cords with others, such as deceased loved ones, or ex-lovers, and, of course, our own disconnected soul parts, which affect our conscious wholeness and awareness of the Oneness. When soul loss occurs, then misplaced, denser energies can move in and they usually do take up residency — affecting well-being in a big way.

Where does this lower-vibrational, misplaced energy go when it moves in?

If we are on the receiving or the giving end of it, it often exists trapped within our tissues, organs, and our etheric energy field. This affects body, mind, emotions, and Spirit. The energy we project outward, affects us internally, because we are energetically One.

You know this to be true when, for example, you say some unkind words to another, or you are in conflict with a loved one – don’t you feel bad inside, even if you think you are “right”?  We can’t hurt others without hurting ourselves. We can’t harm others by our words, thoughts or actions, without doing harm to ourselves.

“Energy hygiene” is radically important now to keep your physical and spiritual life at a high vibration of health.

It’s impossible for one person to suffer, without affecting the multitude. Likewise, a positive shift in one person, positively affects others. A clearing of self-defeating blockages or life-sucking attachments helps clear the collective consciousness. And when we shine our inner Light, the world not only notices our glow, but the vibration of our Light actually lifts others. It is said that one awakened person can affect 100,000 others. Think of the tremendous impact just on your own circle of family and friends when you are clear-headed, open-hearted, and loving!

I often remind my clients that their job is to do the basics:

  • Tune inward with regularity

  • Take responsibility for your own “stuff”

  • Meditate daily

  • Eat well

  • Sleep well

  • Exercise

  • Have fun

  • Express your creativity…

And together we can work on clearing and reclaiming blocked or energetically challenged parts of ourselves that keep us from shining. I encourage you to tune into your own energy field, and observe what’s going on.

If you feel like you may have some negativity going on, and need a clearing, I’m offering a new, stand-alone tune-up session – a Shamanic Extraction tune-up, which lasts about 75 minutes and costs $150 when done by phone, or $155 in person.

This session goes deeper than the regular aura clearing sessions I have been offering, which are also quite affective with rebalancing the aura and chakras. However, with a Shamanic Extraction tune-up, I’m calling on my shamanic healing guides to go deeper, to clear karmic energy blockages (from past lives), other-dimensional blockages (entity attachments and intrusions), as well as the present-time aura blockages (usually based on “undigested” emotions) that might be affecting your health, energy level, mood, motivation or thinking. With this Shamanic Extraction session, I go through the same ceremony I use to do the soul retrieval work, calling in the Spirit Guides of the Seven Directions, an indigenous practice. When we call in Spirit, we invite in synchronicities, clarity, and miracles; I see miracles in every session, which is why I love this work. This work comes through me, and it is not “me” who does it.

Just to be clear, typically, the soul retrieval sessions regularly offered, include shamanic extraction, as well as longer discussion time, both before and after the journey, and sometimes, a longer journey time. The soul retrieval & extraction session, combining the two practices, lasts two hours and costs $249.  Please note that a soul retrieval is NOT part of this 75-minute Shamanic Extraction clearing session.

The reason I’m offering this 75-minute Shamanic Extraction clearing, as a stand-alone session, is that my Spirit Guides told me to do it :-)).  I generally try really hard to listen to them! Also, you might notice that if time or money is a constraint, or if you don’t need a soul retrieval at this particular time, then the Shamanic Extraction clearing might be perfect to get back in balance.

The Shamanic Extraction is done via phone/skype or in person in the Chicago area. As always, if you are unsure which type of session would serve you best, please reach out to me and we can talk about the various options. I know this can be confusing, but I’m always reachable either by email at or at 773-791-8425.

The important thing, now, is to take a stand for living in the Light, not the darkness.

With living in Light, there is an experience of joy and expansion. You feel lighter. You look alive and vibrant. Your relationships are more loving, collaborative, and connected.  When living in darkness, there is suffering, a sense of separateness, and disconnection from whatever is sacred to you…in other words, living in a state of lack. When you find that your thoughts have run amok and are bringing you down, into a state of lack and limitation, please remind yourself that it’s time to clear and shine –and know that you can!


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